About me

Queen's Tower at Imperial College London
Queen’s Tower at Imperial College London

Going to a university that offers only science degrees changes your views on things. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it teaches you to think in detail about what you see and read. You gain excellent analytical skills, you strive to look for evidence behind any claims, you see the world not HOW it is presented to you, but instead think WHY it is presented to you in this way.

I am currently in the final few months of my degree in Biochemistry from Imperial College London. After nearly 3 years of being surrounded by, even taught by, some of the most influential professors in their subject in the world, you come to think that you know a thing or two about science.

Me out for dinner in London!
Me out for dinner in London!

When I go home to visit my parents at odd weekends or during holidays, they will have often seen something in the news about cancer, Alzheimer’s, or something else similarly related to Biochemistry and science in general. They will proceed to ask me about what they have seen – how true is it? What could it mean for society? Is it something I have been learning about? A lot of the time I can provide a few answers, other times maybe not.

But science is something that I hold dear, and with this blog I want to provide people with a little more science in their lives.

Disclaimer – I am in no way claiming to be an expert on the subjects that I will cover in this blog! I will just be using the set of skills I have gained from my 3 years at university to try and provide some explanations and enlightenment about what is presented to us in the media.

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